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Available from: Laptab
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Steering will lock anyway should anyone try to move the car without the key.
Install in seconds - Disables steering - Hi visibility deters thieves
Vinyl coated to protect interior - Compact for easy storage
Fits most vehicles.
Car Security Anti-Theft Leather Steering Lock Details
Product Name
Car Security Anti-Theft Leather Steering Lock Price in Pakistan (updated)
You might try a little education first: explain that her efforts are a waste of time and energy.
The steering will lock anyway should anyone try to move the car without the key in the ignition. Any movement of the steering mechanism, whether at the wheel or the front tires when the key has been removed, will release a spring-loaded lever – causing it to engage a slot and lock the mechanism. That is what is happening when she moves the wheel.
There is little likelihood that she will damage the system, which will long outlast her efforts. But that habit is compounding the issue because it makes it more difficult for whoever drives the car following her to release the locking mechanism. They, too, have to exert pressure to the system and move the steering wheel to release the lock.
Install in seconds - Disables steering - Hi visibility deters thieves
Vinyl coated to protect interior - Compact for easy storage
Steering wheel can't be fully turned with the hardened steel steering wheel immobilizer locked in position.